Saturday, May 12, 2012

Do you need a coach?

Coach and Me after our 70.3
I am super excited to announce that my Coach , Trevor Stultz, has opened his business, Kingdom Multisport! I have been under his supervision for one year. He took a non-swimmer, mediocre runner and poor cyclist and turned me into a decent athlete!

Who needs a trainer? My opinions:

I think that anyone who is starting out new, without any background of being athletic, and has aspirations and goals needs a trainer to get them started in a new direction.

Anyone wanting "more" who wants to run longer, swim faster, cycle properly ....needs a trainer.

Anyone wanting to get into triathlons greater than Olympic distance needs a trainer or coach.

Why do I think a trainer is important? I can only speak of my Coach.

My Coach has many years and Full Ironmans under his belt, so he has personal experience.

Trevor  has lost over 100 pounds in his journey, therefore having nutritional wisdom.

He knows how  to fuel the body and refuel for recovery.

Coach is always available for guidance -counseling for me!

He understands REAL life with REAL situations.

He makes your training plan according to your needs and to accomplish your goals. Trevor looks at the big picture then breaks it down into realistic steps to make YOUR event possible!

Most important to me is that my Coach is a man of Integrity and Truth.  We have had times of laughter, times I have shared my fears and anxiety, and times that I have shed tears. And EVERY time my Coach gave me words of wisdom and truth. My journey was not only physical but spiritual. It took a Kingdom and Godly Man to bring me to the place that I am now.

                       Thank you , Coach, for all you have done for me! Let our next journey began!
                                             May we touch more lives and Give them Heaven!

Peace after 70.3

Shortly after the 70.3 I got sick..BUMMER! Both ears infected, severe vertigo and sinus infection. Big TIME BUMMER! No doubt due to the fact that the last 3 weeks of training my ears would bleed when taking out my ear plugs. I was down for two weeks. No training , nada ,nothing for 2 weeks.

At week 3 I started getting back into the groove (of not feeling like I just took a hit of Moonshine) but just did not have my heart into training. I wasn't depressed (as some have talked about after completing a big race). I just had no heart for running, cycling or swimming (I was plain scared to put plugs back in my ears after 2 weeks of vertigo and dizzy!). I woke one day thinking I was excited to train again but it was short lived. What ? How could this be? This was something that I truly never expected to happen to me. I loved having a schedule telling me what to do and when to do it. I loved the nights of going to bed knowing I had done an amazingly hard training session earlier in the day. How could my heart NOT be into training again?

Then it occurred to me. I realized last week that I was living in a panic /fear that life as a triathlete was OVER! Due to my history with my ears and the last conversation with my ENT specialist , I was living in fear of something completely unknown. So, against any good wisdom, I swam on Monday. And my ears bled after the swim. And now I have dizziness. Panic and fear again. Then, I remembered an amazing sermon by Apostle Steve and Apostle Todd. And I stopped and listened . Really intently listened. Panic and fear subsided the more I was quiet. The more I was quiet (which is really hard for me) the more I heard . The more my heart was quiet , the more it filled with peace. The more peace that was filled, the happier I was.

The outcome? If I never swim again, I am mentally okay. I did something amazing the day I finished that 70.3. I overcame fears and obstacles . I realized how I can push my body to limits I never thought I could. The months of training made me into a better person, both physically and spiritually. Crossing that finish line was not just for me! It was for so many others who have doubt or are scared to venture forth. Venture forth......

So, Pat and I took a walk and decided it was time to go back to my ENT who specializes in "hard ears " (not hard heads but I do fall in that category). He already said I need both ears re-done and 6 weeks of IV meds to prevent another rejection ( who rejects ear drums? ME). I have put the appointment off for 2 years in fear. We will seek the wisdom of a medical professional. And, if he says I can never swim, then I am okay. Really I am. But, we are going to pray that healing will occur with the surgery (should I need it) without needs of IV meds and such. And, still, if I can't swim I will be okay.

So, as any good athlete , I have already set new goals for my next adventure! Already got races lined up to meet these goals. I pray that swimming will be a part of my goals but if not I will venture forth anyway!

The saying is so cliche' but holds so much truth...I CAN do all things through Christ who strengthens me.....not some but ALL! I can take disappointment and sadness and turn it into something that can help others. I can do this as my strength and provision comes from Yahweh and His word is NEVER wrong!

Wednesday, April 25, 2012

the Intimidator did not Intimidate me....70.3 done

I thought I would be this great blogger and blog my way silly about my training for the 70.3. Well, I would say that I made an epic fail at that! But, I am going to gab now about the race itself.
It has been 10 days since the race and all is well. I have had plenty of time to look back and reflect. Some of my thoughts:

~I was well prepared! I can say with 100% confidence that my Coach devised a plan that would allow me to succeed and meet my goals. My goals were to finish with personal excellence, cross the finish line without need of any IVs ( due to heat) and to not vomit. Goals met! I was able to enjoy my family after the race and that night. I taught school the next day with minimal tenderness in my muscles.
Coach Trevor Stultz

~I was nutritionally prepared. I, for the most part, trained and recovered with the same products that I would ingest on race day. I recovered amazingly (beyond my imagination) due to Base Performance Products...I say that honestly!

~ I enjoyed every moment , which was a goal, for every mile ...TIL mile 69! I laughed, smiled, SANG (yep), encouraged and talked to other athletes, workers on side of road, fans, and police personnel etc.

~ I realized during the bike route that I was capable of more than I gave myself credit for (if you saw this bike course you would understand).

~ I took in every moment that I saw my family and friends cheering me on! It became very clear to me how blessed I am to have such an amazing support team. Some were atop a big hill clanging cow bells, one dear friend ran up a hill as I rode up it, some high fived and yelled for me, some walked the horrible mile 69 and talked about nonsense to just get me through that mile......And at the end, they yelled and cheered me through the chute til I was able to hug each one of them!

Was the training hard? Yes, at times it was very difficult. Juggling working, teaching, training, being a mom and a wife...just life makes it hard. Did I ever get frustrated? Yes, especially the last build week when I wanted to throw the "plan" out the window. Did I ever feel insufficient or not ready? Yes, on multiple occasions.

Then why did I keep on? Because I knew that all the things that had one time been obstacles were no longer hurdles. I knew that all  I had worked hard for was going to pay off. I knew the finish line to this race was just the beginning to many more. And because I knew I could OVERCOME things that once seemed so huge!

atop Sugarloaf screaming "All things through Christ" (thanks Rach)

Wednesday, February 15, 2012

Yeehaw , and we are off..giddy up!

Southern? Did you really put Southern in your blog title? Well, of COURSE! I am southern born and proud to be a Southern Gal (SG). Unless you have been raised in the south (and Florida is not the south)you really won't understand. But, for us southern gals, some things are buried deep within us-Jesus and manners/etiquette to name a few.
What does being Southern have to do with being a triathlete? A lot , for me! First, we Southern Gals are stubborn. Try to say we can not do something and you have yourself a fight until we gals accomplish it and better. Second, we are hard working. Sweat doesn't bother us. Third, the majority of us gals were raised with a high work ethic and standards. Fourth, most of us SGs have a fair amount of loving the Lord with all our heart and know that the good Lord will get us through just about anything. I could continue my list but you get the drift.
If you ask me, being a SG is a lot like being a triathlete! You say I can not save enough money for a tri bike? Laugh. I will save every penny until I make enough to pay cash for my bike. Sweat? Throw me some extra salt tablets. Brick training on the training plan? No problem, I am not afraid to put in the extra time. And ,most important, when that hill seems to tall to climb, when that muscle feels tight, when my heart is palpating(yes-it has occurred), I KNOW that my comfort rest in my Yahweh and HE will see me through it all!
Alright , lets talk about being an athlete. I was once a 230 pound lady (2009) and decided to change my life. I started running and cycling and have lost almost 100 pounds. In 2011 (July to be exact)I swam for the first time in my life (13 ear surgeries in my life, I wear a cochlear etc). See the trend? A large lady full of passion. One with a heart condition. Told I could never swim underwater. But, my Southern Gal upbringing came up into my heart and soul and my new life formed! My first triathlon was The Great Floridian on October 22, 2011. Not a "My First", Sprint or Olympic but a long tri. 1.25 mile swim, 39 bike and 9.6 run.

And, this is what I did the whole time-SMILED! I encouraged, laughed, and just talked to everyone.......Not sure if that is a SG characteristic or just me-talking to everyone.

High fiving my family. You can see my dad behind . My mom and four kids waited as I turned into the chute (hubby behind the lens).

My bestie. She wore a pink hat so I could find her. She ran the last two miles with me. She encouraged me the whole time! Most importantly, she prayed when this SG was swimming , scared of being eaten' by a gator ! Love you, Denise!

My biggest fan and the man who makes my training life and being a triathlete possible. He
watches the kids on the weekends for my long rides and bricks, fixes me gluten free homemade pizza and allows me to soak in the tub for unlimited amounts of time. Thank you , Pat, for loving me the way you do.

After completing The GFT, I decided (after being persuaded by Trevor Stultz-aka Coach ) that I should aim for more. And, I am. I am currently training for my first Half Ironman distance-the Intimidator 70.3 in April. Trevor and I sat down and talked about my goals and realistic training with my busy schedule. Within a few weeks , he had a training plan for me . I really enjoy having someone tell me what to do and when! Trevor is always there for me answering my questions, encouraging me or just being a shoulder when I have had a bad training day. He is also the one who introduced me to Base Performance.
I was missing a key. I knew I was training longer and harder than ever. But, I just could not figure out what I was missing. I was having a harder time recovering and was just so tired. It was evident my nutrition that "used" to work was no longer worker. He suggested I try Base Performance products. They , Base Performance, were looking for their new Ambassadors for 2012. I laughed at the thought of me being an Ambassador and went for a run. Really? I am a mom of four, home school, teach science at a private school, take kids to ball get the jest....I am not a pro athlete (nor will I ever be). Who was I kidding? THEN, midway into my run it hit me. I am the normal triathlete mother. I juggle life with training. I am a voice for the non-pro triathlete that loves the sport and wants to continue and excel in the sport. Why shouldn't I be an Ambassador? So, email sent to Paul Leito at Base Performance. And, he accepted me.
I am in week one of the products and so far I am seeing results. Last brick was 32 bike and 6 run followed by Base. Next morning- 50 mile ride in hills followed with baseball games and a full night. No problem. 11 mile run yesterday followed with 5.5 hrs on feet at church serving and no problem. Hmmm, I am thinking I have found my KEY! I can not wait to see what the next few weeks hold in store for me.
What is Base Performance? Check them out at